Thursday, October 1, 2015

Treat Tap Dancing Ankle Injuries

Tap dancing is all about your feet so when your feet start to hurt or you injure one, things become quite difficult. Here is treat a tap ankle injury so you'll be back dancing as soon as possible.


Quit dancing!

1. Stop dancing. The moment you become injured, stop. Continuing to dance on an injured foot or ankle will only make it worse.

2. Inspect the injured area immediately. With sprains and ligament tears there is usually immediate swelling and bruising. Fracture and breaks will also swell but not always bruise.

3. Ice the area. Hold an ice pack on the injured area for a couple hours in twenty minute intervals, twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off.

4. Test the ankle's pressure intake. Stand on the ankle and try to walk. If the ankle is in extremely pain and it is difficult or nearly impossible to walk on then seek immediate attention. It may be broken or fractured. Go to your doctor and get an x-ray. If the ankle allows for some pressure but is still sore it is most likely a strain, sprain or tear.

5. Wrap your ankle tightly with gauze or medical tape. Gauze is much easier and more comfortable. Wrap it with the ankle at a full 90 degrees from the leg so that the ankle is in it's strongest position. You can get to this position simply by flexing your foot. Wrap the gauze around the ankle and bottom of the foot then back up again. Make sure it is very sturdy and the ankle cannot move.

6. Rest your foot as much as possible and try not to walk on it. When you do have to walk on it, put the majority of your weight on the opposite foot or use crutches.