Friday, October 16, 2015

Income Generating Suggestions For Teens

You're a teenager who needs money, but school and friends don't leave much time for a day job. With a little creativity, you can make money and work for yourself. Here are some ideas for teenagers who want to earn some cash without running a cash register.

Keep Your Eyes Open

Throughout history, people have made fortunes by looking for opportunities and acting on them. Want to do the same thing? Start by paying attention to your life and surroundings. For example, if your neighbor's yard is looking overgrown, walk over and offer your mowing services. Do your parents complain about having to run errands? Volunteer to do it for them -- in exchange for payment, of course.

Start With Your Skills

Instead of settling for jobs that are available, why not think about what you really like doing? If you spend a lot of time online, offer computer lessons to older people who might not be as comfortable. If you play an instrument or do a craft, you can make money teaching other people do it. Do you like baking? Offer to bake treats for parents who don't have time to bring baked goods to PTA meetings. If you start with what you know and love, it won't feel like work.

Ask Around

Successful entrepreneurs know that the fastest way to make money is by networking. Offer your service or product to everyone you know, but don't stop there. Even if the people you talk to don't need your services, they know plenty of people who do. Make it a point to ask them if they have someone in mind.

Develop Your Brand

You can have the best idea or service in the world, but if you don't polish your presentation, nobody will buy. Before you approach someone for work, figure out exactly what you want to say and practice until you can deliver it effortlessly. Dress nicely and be professional -- even if it's someone you already know. They'll be impressed that you're taking the proposal seriously, and it will be great practice for you.