Thursday, February 5, 2015

Art Studio Jobs

Studio artists create visual designs and images designed to communicate ideas or concepts.

Art studio jobs typicality require an artist to utilize his talents to create a visually appealing product. This may include advertisements or marketing solutions, as well as photography or graphic design. Artists working in a studio setting fulfill a client's vision by offering and supplying artistic solutions to communicate an idea through images and pictures.


A prominent aspect of studio art is photography. Photography studios take portraits or do advertisement work. This includes product layouts or public relations photos. Public relations work may involves photographing staged or candid events designed to portray a specific public image. Personal portraits of individuals or families are often done in a photography studio. Some studios are equipped with their own film development and printing facilities.

Art Directors

A professional art director works in a design or illustration studio to oversee layout, design and execution of art-based product development. They are employed by advertising firms, magazines, video game and software development companies and multimedia design studios. An art director supervises all studio personnel to ensure quality and efficiency on design oriented projects.

Craft Artists

A craft artist produces handmade units for distribution and sales. Production-based craft studios manufacture heirloom and folk art objects to be sold through retail outlets. Such outlets often specialize in "homemade" hand crafts such as hand-built furniture or woven baskets. Such products are difficult to mass produce through modern automated processes and must be constructed by skilled craftsmen. Each unit of product is made by an artisan and will feature certain acceptable flaws or imperfections inherent to the handmade crafts that are considered a part of the charm and marketability of such items.

Art Foundry

An art foundry is a facility that manufactures sculptures in metal. Art foundries often feature their own studio where art technicians sculpt, mold and cast art pieces. By mastering the casting process, sculpture technicians can take original concepts designed either in house or by independent artists and designers and create a permanent monument. Fine art foundries employ a variety of tools and equipment to shape, form and build modern art pieces that are commonly found in parks, city squares and even fine art museums.


Some artists may find employment in a college or university setting. Artists working for universities are responsible for instructing students or simply managing the facilities in the school's sculpture studio. Artists who work in college studios must be wiling to share their knowledge and experience with students who are seeking to develop their own skill, style and voice.