Friday, February 27, 2015

Perform Hypnosis

Hypnotism can be used to bring about positive change in a subject.

Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind in which you are able to reach your subconscious. During this state, the mind is receptive and suggestible. It is open to instruction that can help you make positive changes. Hypnotherapy makes use of this relaxed state to address problems such as anxiety, sleep disorders and smoking. Hypnosis is also used to instill self-esteem and motivation. Hypnotism is often misunderstood as the hypnotist taking control of the mind. During hypnosis, you do not surrender your will to the hypnotist. You are simply open to suggestions, which you can refuse to follow if they conflict with your values.



1. Talk to your subject about hypnosis. Explain to him the various steps you will follow and the reactions he may undergo. Cooperation of the subject is very important to hypnotize him successfully. If he has had a bad experience during a previous hypnosis session, explain that you will not make him do anything unpleasant or against his will. Also discuss any suggestions he would like you to make after he has been hypnotically induced. These instructions can help him bring about a positive change.

2. Take your subject to a quiet, dimly-lit room. Sit him in a chair or sofa. Encourage him to lie down if he prefers. The idea is to make him comfortable.

3. Ask the subject to close his eyes, take a deep breath and relax. Speak to him softly, encouraging him to let go of distracting thoughts and concentrate on relaxing. Tell the person to focus on one part of his body at a time and feel it becoming relaxed. Use this method to relax his entire body.

4. Give the suggestion that both of you chose in the first step. For example, if you want to improve the subject's confidence, tell him, "You are a confident person. You have a beautiful personality."

5. Advise your subject you are going to bring him out of hypnosis. Tell him you will count backwards from five to one, and that with each number he will feel more alert and will open his eyes gradually. After you have communicated this step, start counting as he slowly comes out of hypnosis.