Thursday, January 22, 2015

Draw Fundamental Structures

Artists use a method called perspective to create three-dimensional structures on paper. You can draw basic structures like 3-D boxes by using perspective lines.


Draw a Basic Box Using Two Point Perspective

1. Draw a horizon line across the top of your paper. This horizontal line will serve as a perspective reference.

2. Add a dot to each end of the horizon line. These dots are called vanishing points and can also serve as perspective reference points.

3. Draw a short, vertical line several inches in front of the horizon line. This line will be the facing edge of your box.

4. Use your ruler to draw a light line from the top of your box edge to the left vanishing point. Then, draw another light line from the top of the box edge to the right vanishing point.

5. Repeat this process by drawing lines from the bottom of the box edge to each vanishing point.

6. Choose a point along the left sidelines, reaching from your box edge to the left vanishing point. Draw a vertical line from the top, diagonal line to the bottom one. This is another edge to your box.

7. Draw another vertical line in between the right side perspective lines. Make sure it is the same distance from the original box edge as the left sideline is. Now you have three box edges.

8. Draw a light line from the top of the right edge of the box to the left side vanishing point.

9. Draw a light line from the top of the left side box edge to the right side vanishing point.

10. Draw a line from the bottom of the left side box edge to the right side vanishing point. Do the same from the bottom of the right side box edge to the left vanishing point.

11. Draw a vertical line from the top intersection of the diagonal perspective lines to the bottom of the intersection. This is the final box edge.

12. Erase all of the perspective lines and any lines inside the box.

13. Buy "Draw What You See" by Rudy De Reyna at (see Resources below). This book offers basic drawing instruction, including those based on the use of perspective lines.