Display photos for science fairs on a tri-fold or on a laptop.
Science fairs are competitions where participants display the results of a scientific experiment. The displays are judged by a panel that scores the exhibits for the content of the experiments as well as for the clarity and originality of the display. Photographs are a way to let the readers and viewers see the experiments and witness the changes for themselves. To make your display competitive, give special attention to your choice of photos and to the manner in which they are presented and explained in the exhibit.
1. Choose the photographs that you wish to display. Look for photographs that are in focus and that clearly illustrate various phases in the scientific experiment.
2. Write a caption or explanation for photographs, if necessary. Some photographs may need to be part of your explanation of what is happening in your experiments, others may just be displayed as additional information to accompany the exhibit. Captions that appear beneath or next to a photograph should be as brief as possible.
3. Explore various ways that the photographs can best be displayed in your exhibit. Look at options such as affixing the photos directly to a display board with glue, printing the photos on adhesive paper or placing them in stand-alone frames that can sit atop the display table. You can also make a slideshow and let it play continuously on a laptop. Other options include placing the photos in an album and leaving it on the table for viewers to browse or programming the photos into a digital photo frame.
4. Prepare the photographs according to how you have decided they should be displayed. Keep in mind that if you must have a caption, some options, such as picture frames, may not be appropriate. When preparing photographs for a display board, be careful to avoid over crowding or a messy appearance. Remember that judges score for content and presentation.