Dance the Quick Step
The quick step should be danced to fast music as there are quick and slow foot movements throughout the dance. The basic rhythm of the Quickstep is a Slow-quick-quick step and the music should match which make up tempo jazz or swing music perfect for it. There are many variations but the music and the basic format remain the same.
1. Start in the South East corner of the floor with the man facing northeast and the girl facing southwest. The couple should begin dancing towards the east wall in a 45 degree angle.
2. Take a slow step with the right foot forward and begin to turn right at the same time if you are the male partner. Time you and your partner to the slow-quick-quick pace through out the dance.
3. Move the left foot to the side with a quarter turn to the right. The turn should be done to the tempo of your step to make it a natural turn.
4. Close the right foot to the left foot and make a quick 1/8th of a turn. Begin to turn right again while putting the left foot back.
5. Pull the heel while sliding the right foot and making a 3/8th turn to the right. You and your partner should again be at the slow part of the slow-quick-quick pace.
6. Put your left foot forward and you should be facing the wall diagonal from where you started. Repeat the steps again all in the tempo of the slow-quick-quick pace of the quickstep.