Thursday, February 5, 2015

Perform The Tack Annie In Tap Dancing

Tap Shoes

The Tack Annie step in tap dancing is part of the Shim Sham Shimmy combination, which was frequently performed in vaudeville. This combination is a side-to-side movement. Apparently, the step got its name when a Harlem woman was arrested and those observing the arrest yelled out “They’re ‘tacking Annie!” The dance step emulates the woman’s struggle to get away from the police.


1. Brush your right foot to the left and then touch (no weight) your right foot on the floor next to your left foot.

2. Stamp the right foot.

3. Repeat this combination beginning on your left foot.

4. Do the previous steps, once again starting on the right side.

5. Brush your left foot to the right and touch left by right foot and ball (right) change (left). You must put your weight down on the touch in order to do the "ball" on the right foot.

6. Put the steps together: Brush, touch, stamp, brush touch stamp, brush touch stamp, brush touch ball change.

7. Listen to the count: a 1 2 a 3 4 a 5 6 a 7 and 8.