Monday, February 2, 2015

Do Jazz Dance Triplet Turns

Jazz triple turns add excitement and strength to your choreography, but they can be tough to learn. With some simple techniques under your belt and a lot of practice, you can become a triple-turn expert.


Do Jazz Triple Turns

1. Begin in jazz fourth position with one foot in front of the other and slightly to the side. For the sake of learning here, your left foot should be in front of your right foot, and your stance should be wide. Hold your left arm straight out to the side, as if you want to touch the wall. Your right arm should be curved in front of you, as if you were trying to hold a beach ball against your stomach.

2. Plié, keeping your weight evenly distributed over both feet. Your arms should still be in the position from step 1.

3. Transfer all of your weight to your front foot, your left foot, and rise onto your left toe. Your left leg should now be straight.

4. At the same time, using your arms, twist your body and bring your right toe up to your left knee. Your right knee should be in front of you, not to the side as it would be in a ballet pirouette.

5. As you turn, bring your left arm in to match the position of your right arm.

6. Spot, or fix your eyes on a point on the wall in the direction you want to end your turn. If you want to end facing front, choose a point on the front wall, and every time you come around in your turn make sure your eyes find that point.

7. When you complete the three rotations, end your turn in the same position you began in, with your left foot in front of your right foot and both knees bent. This position allows you to seamlessly move into the next movement or even to perform another turn immediately.