Friday, October 24, 2014

Write A Highconcept Comedy Script

Want to break into Hollywood as a screenwriter? One of the easiest scripts to sell in Hollywood is the high-concept comedy, but it's not always easy to come up with it.


1. Think about all of the movies that have ever made you laugh. Now breakdown what made them so funny. Chances are there was a hook, which is exactly what it sounds like, something that grabs you.

2. Coming up with your own comedic hook is done best by merging two of the most unlikely of ideas or characters. A lawyer who can't lie, "Liar, Liar." Two straight men pretend to be gay for insurance benefits, "I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry." See how these merge two unlikely concepts. While you may disagree how well these movies turned out in the end, there's no denying why they were made in the first place-their high-concept comedic idea.

3. The high-concept should be very simple, something that you can pitch in a sentence or two. Notice how simple "Liar, Liar" and "I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry" are to understand.

4. Now that you have you're high-concept idea, make sure it's really as fresh and innovative as you think it is. Research the idea on the Internet to make sure it isn't a preexisting movie. You may know a lot of films, but you probably don't know all of them.

5. The first thing people hear is the title, make sure yours is funny. You are doing a comedy after all.

6. Try telling people you trust the idea and watch their reaction. If they don't understand it, then you should rethink your idea. If they laugh and think that your idea would make a hilarious movie, then you just might have something great.