Thursday, October 30, 2014

Get Texture In Abstract Works of art

Getting texture in your abstract paintings requires the use of mediums.

Mediums are anything you add to paint to change the texture or the viscosity of the paint. You'll find mediums for oil and acrylic paints at any art supply store or hobby store. These mediums can make the paint flow like a liquid, or thicken it into a putty. In addition, some mediums contain pieces of rock, plastic or other materials. You can paint some mediums in layers to build up texture and depth, and then coat them in paint. However, the traditional way to use mediums is to mix them with the paint and use the viscosity of the mixture to create texture.


1. Purchase a pre-gessoed canvas, or apply three to four coats of artist gesso to a stretched canvas until smooth. Allow to dry for several hours, or until dry to the touch.

2. Scoop modeling paste or another medium onto your palette. Start with a mixture of one part paint to every four parts modeling paste. Mix with a palette knife. If the hue is not dark enough, slowly mix in more paint until you are happy with the results.

3. Apply the textured paint to the canvas using a stiff brush, and shape it using the brush or a painting knife. It will hold stiff peaks, and can be sculpted into various shapes and textures.

4. Allow each layer of molding paste to dry to the touch before adding the next layer. Not allowing the paste to fully dry may cause caking or cracking.