Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Game Maker Rpg Tutorial

Welcome to RPG

Role-play games (RPGs) continue to increase in popularity. As in all things, there are some that are great, some that are terrible, and many in between. There are a number of game maker software programs available including one by that name. Each has unique features, but all have one ultimate goal: to produce an RPG. This tutorial will not address any specific software, but is a general guide to producing a role-play game.

Learn to Write GML

The writing of RPGs is in the GM code language. Although all the game maker software programs provide steps to create simple games without a knowledge of GML, these are not games that will hold a player's interest. To write a good RPG that develops a story adventure, provides interesting side quests, and puts the player in the role, you must be able to write GM code.

RPG's Have a Story

A difficult but not impossible task in developing an RPG is writing the story. It must have a beginning and an end, and last for a couple of hours (the normal game playing time). It must be interesting and believable even though it is fantasy in a world of your creation. Your story must give your hero a primary goal. Though you may send him/her off on various quests, the primary goal must be the ultimate focus.

Plan Your Game

Once you have a story, the most important process in developing a good RPG is planning. You must develop a world with locations, towns and villages, trees, hills and mountains, roads, and realistic characters that will interact. Before you ever open your game maker software, use your text editor or word processor to outline your game story thoroughly, and write conversations that will take place between your characters.

Use a graphics program to create a map of your world. Having this visual map handy while you are programming your game will prevent errors. You should use the same practice for each of the towns and locations you develop in your world.

Hero, Enemies, and Friends

Heroes and Monsters

You may add or subtract as you develop, but during the planning stage, you should name your characters and plan what kind of interaction will take place. Name the foes of your heroes and plan their strengths and weaknesses. Determine the defensive and offensive tools your heroes will have at their disposal and when and how they will receive these tools.

Plan who will help your hero achieve his primary and secondary goals, and how they will do it. Plan what adversaries will be difficult or impossible to defeat, and if impossible, what alternatives will be available

Plan NPCs (non-playable characters). These will be characters who appear throughout your story which are non-playable, but have something to say when the hero encounters them. These characters can provide clues and tips to your player.

Put it All Together

Once you have accomplished all the projects necessary in the planning stage, open your game maker software and begin the actual development. You will modify an engine provided, or develop an original one. Each different program offers various sprites to use in your game development and, in many cases, the ability to alter them to suite your needs.