Within different types of literature, different expressions are used to describe things more effectively. This brings the writing to life and creates certain images out of words. One of the most widely used techniques in literature is personification.
Personification describes a specific thing, object or idea by making it into a person or attributes of a person. This gives human qualities to the thing, object or idea, giving it a kind of "life." Personification describes the action of an object, attributes that it has, physical features and other specifics about the thing, object or idea.
Personification is used when you are reading about a lifeless object that is "brought to life." For example, if a leaf is dancing, then it is given human qualities as an object. If a backpack jumps, a book cries to be read or a candle sways, than you can expect that they are being personified.
As you are reading literature, you will be able to identify the personification through the actions that help with descriptions. This identification may be different in types of literature, because the form and structure from the literature changes. Hence, the personification will also change. Some examples include:
Poetry: A poem can use an entire stanza or an entire poem with personification. For example, a poem about a spoon may use several types of personification qualities to describe the spoon.
Fiction: Fiction will most likely not stay on the personified object for long. Instead, it will use the personification to add in a metaphor, image or idea to the object. Because fiction is based around a plot line, the use of personification is also used differently.
Children's literature: This is mentioned because personification is often the center of children's stories. Authors often use objects that are brought to life to describe certain situations or ideas throughout the entire story. For example, moons talk, cows jump, bears clean their rooms and furniture has conversations with cats. This is a different way of using the concept of personification.
Personification is one of the best tools of literature, and has been known for its effectiveness for a long time. This is because of its ability to describe something that may be difficult to describe otherwise. By doing this, readers are able to relate to what is happening by having a picture in their mind of an object or thing. The result is the ability to paint an entire picture of words with the use of personification.
Expert Insight
Pay attention to how personification is used and how it creates a completely new tool for describing something.
If you are writing and want to use personification, be careful of how you use it. Using the right description at the right time makes all the difference. If you use too much, it may distract from the actual story. If you don't use enough, then the point or the description won't be effective. You should also be cautious of cliches, which are personification concepts that are used too much and are known as "mainstream." Let yourself be creative in your descriptions to bring things to life.