Monday, May 25, 2015

Christmas Jokes

Find jokes suitable for your office Christmas party.

Celebrate the holiday season with Christmas jokes. There are a wide variety of Christmas jokes available, including those for children and adults. Look for jokes by theme, such as jokes about Santa Claus, reindeer and snowmen; as well as broader-topic jokes, such as knock-knock Christmas jokes or jokes for a Christmas party.

Reindeer Jokes

"Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" is perhaps the most famous (and only) humorous Christmas tune involving reindeer, however there are numerous reindeer jokes available. Jokes include "What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?" "Horn-aments.;" "What does a reindeer say before telling a joke?" "This one will sleigh you!;" and "How long should a reindeer's legs be?" "Long enough to reach the ground." Other reindeer jokes include "Why did the reindeer wear sunglasses on the beach?" "Because he didn't want to get recognized."

Elf Jokes

Elf jokes include a take on the classic "lightbulb" joke with "How many elves does it take to change a lightbulb?" "Ten; one to change the lightbulb and nine to stand on each others shoulders." Other elf jokes include "What did the elf say was the first step in using a Christmas computer?" "First, YULE LOGon.," "How do elves greet each other?" "Small world, isn't it?" and "One elf said to another elf, "We had Grandma for Christmas dinner. The other elf said, "Really? We had turkey!"

Snowmen/Snow Jokes

Snowmen joke options include "What do snowmen eat for lunch?" "Icebergers" and "What do snowmen wear on their heads?" "Ice caps." Other snowmen jokes include "How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed?" "You wake up wet." and "What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark?" "Frost bite." Snow-related jokes include "What sort of ball doesn't bounce?" "A snowball." and "What do you call an Eskimo cow?" "An eskimoo."

Christmas Eve Jokes

There are a number of jokes about Christmas Eve available, which can be told to humor children that are hyper about Christmas. Such jokes include "What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?" "It's Christmas, Eve.," "What does Father Christmas suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?" "Santa Claustrophobia." and "Why does Father Christmas go down the chimney?" "Because it soots him."