Since its inception in 1973, the Rocky Horror Picture Show has achieved cult status around the world. Die-hard fans live for the "audience participation" performances. If you've thought about going to one yourself, it is best to be well prepared, lest you be branded a "virgin" and thus initiated by the seasoned pros. Here's prepare to join a Rocky Horror Picture Show performance.
1. Locate the closest theater that offers AP (audience participation) RHPS performances.
2. Contact the theater before attending the performance. Different theaters vary on rules and regulations; so find out what props are allowed and what props are banned before showing up.
3. Watch the movie before going to the sget a general idea of when the various props will come into play. The more you appear to know, the less likely you are to be "found out" as a first-timer.
4. Learn the steps to the Time Warp so you'll be able to dance along with the rest of the crowd during this famous scene.
5. Just watch the crowd for cues as to what to shout at the screen during different scenes. Different theater groups may have different lines; so you probably won't be expected to know everything anyway.