Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Write Lower Salsa Dance Steps

You can learn salsa in a number of ways, including from lessons and salsa dance videos. You may pick up the moves fairly easily, but it can be difficult to remember what you've learned later. It's common for you to forget a move you learned at the last class, especially if you don't practice. Writing down the salsa dance steps is an ideal way to avoid this conundrum.


1. Write down the dance steps while they are still fresh in your mind. Write it down in sentence form, breaking down each move step-by-step. Use a diagram with arrows if necessary. Salsa dancing is centered around a basic step called a Forward Basic Movement. It starts with a tap of the left foot on the first beat, a step forward with the same foot, a rock back with the right foot and a step back left to close the sequence.

2. Ask the instructor for the name of the move. If it's easier, you can give it your own name or description. Choose a name that will be easy to remember--one that brings to mind that the step looks like. The second step is typically a Back Basic Movement, where you tap with the right foot, step back with the same foot, rock forward with the left and close to the right. It's the opposite of the forward basic movement.

3. Record the turn patterns as well as the steps. Many students practice the moves, but forget about the right and left turn patterns. Write "Turn Right" or "Turn Left."

4. Learn a definition of salsa terms. For example, when you step outward from the closed position, it's called a break. This break allows you to change direction forward, back or side. When you rock, you transfer your weight from one foot to the other.