Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Watch A Horror Movie At Night time But Still Have The Ability To Go To Sleep

Horror movies are exciting and thrilling, but watching one late at night can mean many hours of tossing, turning and jumping. With these tips you will be able to fall asleep like a baby no matter how scary the flick!


1. As you lie back into your pillow do not concentrate on going to sleep. Instead just think you are going to rest for awhile. Visualize the word "stop" in your mind. Breathe in and out slowly, breathing in through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. And remember, you are not going to sleep. You are just resting.

2. Imagine the most peaceful situation or scene you have ever experienced. Maybe it was a picnic at the park with your family, or a day at the lake, or a spring morning flying a kite. Try to remember these beautiful images and feelings while you are resting. If any unpleasant thought begin to disturb these thoughts, place your STOP sign up and continue to rest.

3. Leave the lights (or a small light) on in your room to diminish your fear.