Friday, December 18, 2015

Renovate A Classic Picture Frame

There's nothing like a well-chosen frame to set off your art - but this can be an expensive proposition! Here's "rescue" a frame from a flea market or antique shop and restore it to its former glory.


1. Take a good, long look at your frame. Make a list of everything that's wrong with it.

2. Remove the glass (if there is any) and set it aside.

3. Take off any remaining hardware, including the eyehooks for the wire. (Unless the hanging mechanism is in truly good shape, it's a good idea to replace it.)

4. Give the frame a good cleaning with a whisk broom or soap and water, depending on how fragile it is and what it's made of.

5. Start with the most fundamental problems. Is it sturdy, or are the corners coming apart? Stabilize the frame first with a combination of corner braces, nails, and wood glue.

6. Fill any gouges or chips with wood filler.

7. Sand any rough spots.

8. Apply paint, stain or - if you're feeling adventurous and think it would look good - gold or silver leaf.

9. Finish with a coat of polyurethane.

10. Clean and reset (or replace) the glass.