Monday, December 28, 2015

Have A Selfportrait Having A Camera

Do you want to go beyond the obligatory MySpace bathroom mirror photo and create an interesting and insightful self-portrait? Since a digital camera does not require that you process the photos to see the results you can experiment and really get a grasp on photograph people by learning to photograph yourself without the cost of processing film. Working with models is expensive and your friends don’t always have the patience you need. The following tips will guide you as you learn take a self-portrait with a digital camera.


1. Set your camera on the tripod in an area inside or out with good lighting and a plain background. Adjust the height so that you can take headshots of yourself. Stand 1 to 2 feet from the camera. At this length it isn’t necessary to use the timer. Using auto focus take 10 or more photos. Take some with the timer and some without. Check each photo in the viewer. Adjust the exposure as needed.

2. After each shoot review all photos with your Photo software. Decide which photos you think are the best. What adjustment of exposure was best for the circumstances during the photo shoot? Did you like the photos with the timer or without? Did any of the portraits turn out interesting?

3. Set your camera on the tripod in an area inside or out with good lighting and a plain background. Adjust the height so that you can take photos from the waist up of yourself. Sit or stand 2 to 3 feet from the camera. At this length you will need to use the timer. Using auto focus take 10 or more photos. Change your pose with each shot. Check each photo in the viewer. Adjust the exposure as needed. This will help you learn to instruct people as you photograph them. People tend to over correct a request. You will learn by increments to change your positions. Review your photos.

4. Set your camera on the tripod in an area inside or out with good lighting and a plain background. Adjust the height and camera so that you can take a full figure photograph. Stand 3 to 4 feet from the camera. At this length you will need to use the timer. Take 10 or more photos in different positions and review.

5. Repeat the above exercises but this time adding an interesting background to the shoot and review. Try several locations inside and out. You discover the best places to take photos. Always review the photos and ask questions.

6. Repeat the above exercises but this time with different lighting and exposures and review.

7. Repeat the above exercises and add costumes or drama. Try to tell a story with a photo, express an emotional or express an idea. Review and see if your attempt were successful. Do not be afraid to experiment and try something new.

8. Join a group like Flickr and get input from other photographers. Take lot and lots of photos. Eventually you will feel confident enough in your skills to ask other people to model for you.