Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Make A Paper Mache Slip For Casting Conforms

Paper Mache is easy, great, fun! From 8 to 80 it's easy to do, even when it's messy.


1. You can use almost any kind of paper for paper mache. For the more enthusiastic, rolled up gauze can be used. Gauze is slightly more difficult to work with. If you are a beginner, I suggest using old newspaper. Newspaper works well because it is not as refined as average paper is. The pulp is in a rougher state, and makes it more pliable.

The size and shape of your slips will depend on the project. For small detailed objects, you want smaller strips. And likewise, larger strips for larger surfaces. Simply tear the newspaper across the grain. Prepare as much paper as possible before you start the project. This will help maintain the organization, and cleanliness of your work area.

2. On the large flat surface, cover it with newspaper, or a tablecloth that is not important, to keep the table protected. Mix the plaster of Paris according to the instructions on the box, in a bucket or a large bowl. Prepare the object you will be plastering (i.e. crumbled up paper, or a person). Carefully dip the strips into the plaster mixture until the paper absorbs it, but not to the point that it starts to fall apart. You want the paper to remain somewhat sturdy. Lay it over your object. There is not correct direction. Have fun with it!

3. Layering is key, let each layer dry for maybe 20 minutes in between, and the more layers you make, the more substantial the finished product will be. You can use layers to create dimensions on your project too.