Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Use Positive Thinking

Use Positive Thinking

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale championed the use of positive thinking in his iconic book "The Power of Positive Thinking" in 1952. The book spawned an entire industry of self-help seminars and even a magazine. Many celebrities and other famous people speak of their own experiences with positive thinking and how it helped them in their careers. Here is use positive thinking to change your life.


1. Banish negative, self-defeating thoughts. Control your thoughts and you can control your life. If you think of successfully achieving your goals, this will bring about the means to achieve those goals. If you constantly think about why you can't do something, you will fail. Your thoughts determine the outcome.

2. Find different ways to accomplish your goals if you don't succeed immediately. Most people give up at the first sign of failure instead of pursuing other ways to achieve their goals. Be resourceful and develop new ways to find the job of your dreams or your other passions.

3. Develop a serene attitude. Positive thinkers don't panic, they remain pleasant and calm and search for solutions to their problems quietly. By imbuing yourself with an aura of calm instead of desperation, your problems often resolve themselves.

4. Surround yourself with positive people and influences. Seek out people with good attitudes and consort with them. Work and socialize with as many positive thinkers as you can. This keeps your mind sharp and predisposed to pursuing your goals. If you have naysayers in your life, take what they say with a grain of salt and try to keep contact with them at a minimum.

5. Smile. Make it a natural smile that comes from inside, not a phony, pasted-on Hollywood smile. If you follow the rules set down by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, W. Clement Stone and other positive thinking pioneers and keep trying, despite any obstacles that get in your way, you can achieve all your goals.