Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How Get My Child On "Small children & Tiaras"

Your little beauty queen could appear on "Toddlers & Tiaras."

TLC's "Toddlers & Tiaras" needs pageant families to feature on their reality show. If you have a boy or girl who participates in pageants, "Toddlers & Tiaras" might chronicle the journey and preparation necessary to compete at a pageant, from the clothing selection to the extensive beauty appointments. Get a child with a strong passion for competing in pageants on "Toddlers & Tiaras."


1. Visit the TLC "Toddlers & Tiaras" website to download an application.

2. Fill out the personal information portion of the application. The personal information includes your child's name, age, and siblings and your contact information.

3. Complete the remainder of the application. These questions ask about upcoming pageants, pageant history, prizes won, the personality of you and your child at pageants and questions about what type of enhancements you use for your child during competitions (makeup, hairpieces and tanning). The producers of "Toddlers & Tiaras" look for families with energy, exuberance and excitement. Use energetic language in the application. Present your child and your family as having a zeal for competition and pageants in order to grab the attention of the producers. Include specific examples of your child's fierce competitive style or the unusual efforts you make to help your child compete, if possible, to set yourself apart from other applicants. If your child has won titles, list them (along with the pageant name).

4. Attach the application to an email. Attach two or three high-quality, professional digital photographs of your child also. If your child participates in "glitz" competitions -- full makeup and hair -- send glitz photos. If your child participates in "natural" competitions -- no eye makeup or hair extensions -- send natural photos.

5. Send the email and attachments to ToddlersTiarasCasting@authentictv.com.