Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stages Utilized In Shadow Puppetry

Shadow puppetry is an ancient art form.

Shadow puppetry is a form of entertainment that has been around for thousands of years and is thought to have originated in ancient Asia. It can be considered the oldest form of motion pictures and is an art form that is still utilized today. The staging of a shadow puppet performance depends significantly on the type being used, either traditional or modern.

About Shadow Puppetry

Traditional shadow puppetry requires only the most basic supplies to create a performance: a light, a screen and a figure. The traditional light source was an open flame, which gave the screen a quivery appearance. These simplistic displays are still used today, but modern shadow puppetry has also added the benefits of the modern age to the art form. Although modern shadow puppetry still consists of the three basic elements, it also utilizes new technology to give performances more depth.

Traditional Staging

The traditional staging used for shadow puppetry typically utilizes a single light source such as a light bulb or a spot light. The light shines into a frame that has white paper or cloth stretched across it and what is referred to as a playboard built into the bottom on which the puppets move. The puppeteer sits below the playboard to maneuver the puppets while remaining unseen, and the audience sits on the other side of the frame.

Modern Staging

Modern technology has allowed for much more dynamic stages to become incorporated into the art of shadow puppetry. More intricate sets can be built onto a large stage with a screen stretched across, allowing for shadow puppetry on a much larger scale. Also, hand-built sets have now become optional as the use of overhead projectors are now being utilized when staging performances. Also, the ability to use plastic for the screen instead of paper or cloth has allowed for more color to be incorporated into shadow puppetry productions.


In both traditional and modern shadow puppetry productions, puppets with bendable joints and working limbs are considered the standard. However, modern technology has allowed for more life-like puppets to take shape as opposed to the paper puppets on a stick from traditional productions. Also, the grand scale that productions have been able to take on for modern production has allowed for actors themselves to become the puppets, moving behind the enormous screen to create the story themselves.