Friday, September 25, 2015

Write An Invisible Play

Write a Radio Play

A radio play is much like a television show, but some people prefer the radio version as it allows the imagination to generate the images. The radio play may not be as popular as other modern forms of entertainment, but it still retains a loyal following. Writing a radio play is much less expensive than producing than a TV show, movie or live theatrical production.


1. Write the radio play in the same format as a live theater play. Start with a setting, though create the setting with the sounds that are present in the background.

2. Create the characters, and give each plenty of dialogue to convey all of the information necessary to carry the story. Write in the specific voice inflections and accents that each character and block of dialogue has. Write in any special instructions such as whispering a line.

3. Instruct your characters speak in realistic speech patterns, rather than writing in alternating monologues. Script scenes that have characters who interrupt other characters and who interact in pitch and tone rather than simply speaking in turn.

4. Think about the types of instrumental music that can enhance the emotion of various scenes. Write your radio play script with specific scene music included in the notations.

5. Add in the sound effects that make the scene more realistic, humorous or emotional. Include the effects that are the most appropriate such as how loud or soft each sound should be. Use items from around the house to experiment with sound.