Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Make Use Of A Sketch Book To Begin A Handbag Business

To start a handbag or purse business you need to amass ideas before you design your first purse. A sketchbook is a great way to put your design ideas down on paper and to keep your handbag and purse designs organized. Here are some things you'll want to keep in your handbag design sketchbook.


1. Inspire yourself with notes. Notes are the simplest things to add to your sketch book. Even without a drawing or solid design, a note can help you to regain your frame of mind on something that inspired you. Notes might include inspiration from movies or interesting shapes you saw while walking around. Notes can be the starting point for you as you go home or to a studio to design a handbag.

2. Doodle some purse ideas and designs. Because it's a sketchbook, you can be as risky and creative as you want. You do not have to show anyone a bad design. So try to put down as much as you can on paper. Even a bad design might be the next step toward a great one.

3. Paste swatches of fabric that you might like to use in a purse or handbag. When professionals design handbags, they think about their designs in terms of a collection. The collection is usually based on a season and it uses colors that complement one another. By pasting colors together in your sketchbook, you can decide which combinations work best in the purse collection you design.

4. Take down information about fabrication. Fabrication is the process of actually making your purse or handbag. It's one of the final stages of design, when you take your idea and you plot out a way to execute it. Fabrication notes can include ideas you have about types of materials or measurements of trims and supplies.