The Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR is a 250 watt light that can be used by professional photographers. Highly versatile, the Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR offers digital displays for modeling, flash and strobe. The light can be adjusted in 1/10 or 1/2 f-stop increments. The light can be adjusted by means of a sliding switch. Let us see turn on the Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR:
1. To operate a Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR you must understand how the light works. The Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR provides settings that range from 16 watts per second to as much as 500 watts per second and anything in between. A watt per second, or w/s, is also called a joule. 10 to 12 joules is the normal light flash available on most commonly used strobe lights. So, any setting on the Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR will produce an excellent strobe light. Just slide the switch to the correct position for the effect you want.
2. Take necessary precautions when working with the Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR or any other photographic light. Lights can get extremely hot and need to be handled with care. If you have to unplug the light, make sure you let it cool down and do not place it near anything flammable. Very hot bulbs can explode. Shut down the unit if it appears to be getting too hot. Do not operate the Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR if the light appears to be cracked or otherwise broken. One advanatage of strobe lights over continuous lights is that they do not operate all the itme and so do not run the same risks as continuous lights.
3. To make sure you can always take a picture with your Strobe Photogenic PowerLight 1250DR, you must make sure you have a good power source and control system. A Power Pack unit can be used to plug in your light. You will control everything from this unit, including the rate of flash. The unit gives you much better control than that provided on the light itself or on your camera. Professional photographers normally use this sytem. You can actually connect some of these to a computer and even further fine-tune your control of the light. Versatility is very important for the professional photgrapher, or even an amateur who wants to learn take a professional-style photgraph.