Jasmine growing in the shade still needs some sunlight.
Some plants commonly called jasmine actually belong to a different genus (Trachelospermum). These include Confederate jasmine and Asian star jasmine. All of the true Jasmine species (Jasminum) are vining, semi-tropical plants, with the exceptions of common white jasmine, which takes the form of a semi-vining shrub, and showy jasmine and winter jasmine, which grow as viney shrubs. Not all jasmines offer fragrant flowers, and those that are fragrant vary in the amount of scent they offer. J. officinale produces the well-known, traditional jasmine scent, while showy jasmine -- grown for its foliage -- presents flowers without scent.
1. Choose a species of jasmine that is better adapted to growing in the shade. Asiatic jasmine is a shade-loving ground cover, capable of thriving even in deep shade. This jasmine will also grow well in sunny locations, but it does prefer some degree of shade. Asiatic jasmine does not offer prominent flowers. Confederate jasmine, also known as star jasmine, offers flowers with a strong scent. As a houseplant, this jasmine prefers indirect sunlight during all but the winter season.
2. Try to open up the area to allow light to penetrate the shade, if the shade is too deep for jasmine to perform well. You can offer more access to sunlight by trimming back tree limbs and other foliage that overhangs or blocks the growing site, and by rearranging elements in the yard so that they do not stand between jasmine plants and sun rays.
3. Train the vining plants to grow in a direction where they will receive greater exposure to sunlight. Anchor the vines to a support with soft ties if necessary to direct their growth. Add a temporary support structure to hold the vines while they grow to bridge the gap to a more permanent support if no nearby support is readily available.
4. Provide additional warmth for jasmine plants growing in shady sites. Jasmine plants prefer a warm location. Shady sites are often several degrees cooler than sunny sites. Help correct this difference in temperature by providing insulating material around the base of the plants in the form of mulch. White plastic mulch with a black backing, black plastic mulch and clear polyethylene plastic sheeting are recommended by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service to help raise the temperature of the soil.