A press roll is a drum roll that is played with the drumsticks pressed firmly against the snare, thus creating a tighter sound. Playing a press roll requires holding the drumsticks differently than the way you hold them for a normal roll. Learning hold the drumsticks for a press roll is quite important in learning perform the press roll.
Hold the Drumsticks Properly for a Press Roll
1. Hold the drumsticks in your preferred style, although the matched grip is probably the best for the press roll. The matched grip is a style in which both hands are holding the drumsticks in the same manner, usually in an overhand style.
2. Hold the sticks more firmly than you would normally. When performing a regular roll you hold the sticks more lightly than for regular playing, but for a press roll you should hold them more firmly than you do for regular playing.
3. Continue the firm hold on the sticks throughout the press roll.