Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mike Drums With 2 Microphones

Whether recording or playing live, the drums need the extra dynamic of microphones to boost the sound. Most recordings use three or four mics for the drums, but if you are on a shoe-string budget and can only afford to use two, you can still make it work.


1. Place the first mic over the right hand of the drum set about 3 feet off the drum. Place the other mic on the opposite side of the drum set an equal distance away. The effect you are going for is not a close but rather wide pickup of the drum set with equal spacing of mics that pick up all drums from overhead.

2. Place one mic on the bass on the other side of the drummer. Place the other mic overhead the snare. This setup is great for picking up a loud and pounding bass as well as snare. Use this setup if the drummer wants to incorporate the snare and bass into the recording.

3. Place one mic on the snare about 2 feet overhead and the other mic just off-center from the bass extending up to the middle drums. The one mic will pick up a loud snare, while the center mic will pick up the majority of the other drums, although not nearly as clear.