Thursday, November 20, 2014

Become A Painter Without Likely To Art School

Without an art college background, you'll need to rely on your own initiative.

Former art critic Daniel Grant says that most artists today have been to art school. However, the best way to become an artist without going to art school is to just create art. Draw, paint, sculpt, take photographs -- whatever you enjoy doing creatively. Creating art makes you an artist. However, being a commercially successful artist depends on marketing your work and building contacts with key people in the art world.


1. Decide what kind of work you want to do to express your view of the world. Learn techniques by reading books, talking to other artists and experimenting in your chosen field.

2. Obtain materials and equipment to allow you to create your work, either by buying, begging for or borrowing them.

3. Decide where you are going to create your work. Set up your working space in as much room as you have, whether garret, back room, basement or studio, and with as much organization as you need to allow you to create the work you want to produce.

4. Create your work with integrity, reflecting your artistic vision as best you can with the talent you have. Be inspired by whatever muse you most respond to, whether this be a divine inspiration or an earthly one.

5. Endeavor to sell your work if you wish to become a commercial artist. Selling your work will help generate revenue to buy new materials. Your name will spread as you sell your work, and may lead to people commissioning you to create work for them.