Monday, July 13, 2015

Safeguard A Violin On The Plane Flight

Whether you're flying for business or pleasure, you may have some items with monetary or sentimental value. If you're planning to fly with your violin, protect your investment by instituting safeguards before you arrive at the airport and after.


1. Research your airline's carry-on regulations. Most airlines restrict carry-on items to one bag and one personal item. Your violin may be a personal item, allowing you to have one additional carry-on.

2. Check size restrictions. Different planes from the airline's fleet have differently sized overhead compartments and under-seat storage areas. Determine the plane you're traveling on, and then compare your violin to the storage sizes available.

3. Tell the airline personnel in the boarding area that you're traveling with a violin. If the flight is full, ask if you can board in the first group so you can secure an overhead compartment before they fill up. If your plane is less full, you may be able to request a row to yourself to use the full under-seat storage area for your violin.

4. Carry the violin closely in front of you as you board the plane. If your violin does not fit in either the overhead compartment or under the seats, some flight attendants may offer their personal storage area at the front or rear of the plane. Ask about that option.

5. Arrive at your destination and remove your violin from the plane. If you're near the front of the plane, quickly gather your violin from the storage area and exit. If you're in the middle of the plane, wait until the plane is almost empty before removing your violin. This way, you're protecting your violin from jostling crowds.