Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Act Inexplicably

Mystery is one element that people just can't seem to resist. A person full of question marks who makes others second-guess is always a topic of conversation because the behavior causes their imaginations to run wild. Whatever reason you have for acting mysteriously, there are some easy steps that will help you play the part.


1. Never answer questions directly. Instead, answer every question with a question. This does two things in the mind of the question-asker that makes you seem mysterious. First, it makes it appear like you have something to hide. Second, the inability to know anything about you creates a make-believe persona.

2. Wear sunglasses indoors. It's impossible to put your finger on what makes a person in shades seem so mysterious, but it works every time. Wearing sunglasses indoors transforms you into a mysterious force that people can't imagine. They wonder why you are wearing them, what you have been doing and where will you go next.

3. Stay quiet, but make your presence known. The key to being mysterious is to always have people know you are around but not to let them know anything about you. This is a key element, as it causes people to project their fantasies of mystery onto your blank canvas.

4. Change your manner of dress if you want people to think you are mysterious. Dressing in a non-traditional style instantly gives the wearer some credit towards being mysterious. For example, if everyone you know wears jeans and t-shirts, find a cool vintage suit and watch your mystery level rise.

5. Contradict yourself. When one person asks you a question about yourself give him one answer. When you get a similar question from another person, give a completely different answer. If these two people compare notes, their stories won't match and you will become a mystery.