Thursday, July 23, 2015

Things To Write On The Thanks Card For Any Mother

Don't overlook the women in your life who are mothers above and beyond your own biological mother.

Abraham Lincoln once said that all he ever was or hoped to be, he owed to his mother. Thanking a mother is a special sentiment, whether it is your own mother, the mother of your children, or your mother-in-law. Motherhood is commonly called a thankless job. There's no salary or benefit package and retirement isn't an option. Thanking a mother properly should be done regularly, and with sincerity. Often, the best way to thank a mother for her influence in your life is to write a simple thank you note.

Put Pen to Paper

Begin by selecting stationary and a pen for your thank you note. Typed notes can seem impersonal. Handwriting your note will let the recipient know you took the time to express your thoughts instead of dictating them to a typist or hurrying through an email thank you note between work assignments. Cursive writing is the preferred writing style for handwritten notes to a significant person in your life.

Address the Mother Accordingly

Write the word "Dear" at the top of your note and address the recipient accordingly. If she is your own mother, address her as you do when you see her in person. "Mom" or "Mother" will suffice. If she is the mother of your children, address her as such. If you're addressing your mother-in-law, write her name based on the level of familiarity you have with her. If she is not a close friend yet, address her by her formal title and last name, such as "Dear Mrs. Taylor." If you have developed a close relationship, it is appropriate to address her by her first name, such as, "Dear Doris."

Be Specific

Begin the note by thanking the mother for the source of your gratitude. If she has just given you a gift, thank her for her generosity and express what you liked about the gift. Describe how the gift has enriched your life. If it is a practical gift, explain how you intend to use the gift in your daily life. If the mother recently did something special for you, describe how it made you feel and what the gesture says about the mother. Use sincere adjectives that accurately describe the mother and how you were affected by what she said or did to make you feel grateful.

Express Her Influence in Your Life

Close the note by describing the mother's influence in your life. When addressing your mother-in-law, speak about the son or daughter you married and thank them for the positive attributes she instilled in your spouse. If you are thanking your wife, vividly describe individual incidents involving your children that set her apart from other mothers. If you are writing a note to your own mother, recall specific lessons she taught you, memorable adventures and childhood antics. Personalize your note as much as possible by including anecdotes that only members of the family know. When thanking your own mother, express your gratitude by describing your own personal traits that you believe she motivated.