Monday, July 6, 2015

Be A Court Artist

Become a Court Artist

Court artists or sketch artists have seen the market for their careers fall and rise again because of television's coverage of high profile court cases. Public trials showing judges making controversial rulings and attorneys acting for the camera have caused television to be kept out of the courtroom. Television stations, newspaper and magazine publishers need court artists to sketch the characters and scenes of a widely publicized trial.


1. Create a portfolio of sketches to spotential clients.

2. Contact every television station, newspaper and magazine publisher in the country. Find out who is in charge of each station's or publisher's Internet site. Try to get appointments with news producers to show your portfolio and keep contacting them on a regular basis so your name is fresh in their mind when they need a sketch artist.

3. Join an organization of journalists. One good referral can make your career.

4. Contact Internet news sites that are not affiliated with major networks but simply report the news. They will also be looking for sketches from major trials that can be scanned onto their site.

5. Get to know producers of investigative television shows that focus on interesting crimes and the court cases that follow. They will be watching the news as well as looking for interesting shows in the future.

6. Learn sketch fast and sketch well. It can be very difficult to capture a scene with a lot of movement in the courtroom.