Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Write Successful Story

The movie "Pursuit of Happyness" was based on a true story about a single, homeless father who tried to use his knowledge of money to land a top spot in a lending firm. "Happyness" probably represents a success story that you may want to write about yourself. You may have a story about how you struggled before becoming successful. This article will guide you in write a success story.


Write a Success Story

1. Begin at the end of the story, describing your current success with the pertinent information. Your success is most likely not a surprise, so you won't be giving anything away. You want the reader to know the pertinent details of where you are so they can think "wow, how did he get there?" Your opening should state the level of success you are at, how long you've been at that level and a little hint about any trials and tribulations it took for you to get there.

2. Write about your where you came from as far as socio-economic background and your lifestyle growing up. Make it as relatable to your target audience as possible. Successful stories are more inspiring if the readers can feel like you come from where they are now. Ask your parents about any sacrifices they had to make so you could have an opportunity to be successful. The key is being real about your past.

3. Describe the life-changing moment that ultimately catapulted you to success. Include everything that led up to that moment without getting too far off of the beaten path. Talk about your state of mind, the circumstances and the chance or lucky situation that made the light bulb come on over your head. Again, people may be able to relate and understand that they can also be in similar situations.

4. Talk about the struggles and perseverance. Most success stories happen after overcoming obstacles. They usually also happen because the central figure stays dedicated to his dream, no matter the obstacle. If your struggles were similar, they should be included in the story.

5. End with the point where you reach success, much like the beginning in step one. It takes the reader full circle into your journey, hopefully giving them a sense of satisfaction after they've read about your struggles.