Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Make An Air-soft Gun

Make an Airsoft Gun

The gunsport hobby has been around for ages. Guns ranging from high tech, to even the most primative, have caught the attention of many who have an interest in guns and their various capabilities. Target shooting can be as addictive, as it is fun. Airsoft guns have become popular in areas that do not allow gun ownership, and by those individuals who are not quite ready to own the real thing, but want to give the sport a try. If you want to try a little target practice, but don't have an airsoft gun, you can very easily make one yourself with some common household items. Although not exactly a dead ringer for your traditional BB gun, this homeade airsoft gun can be a fun stand in.


1. Remove the writing part of your pen, including the cap that is on the back end. This will leave you with just the tube part of the pen.

2. Cover one end of the pen tube with the balloon.

3. Use your tape to wrap around the end of the balloon, securing it to the pen's tube.

4. Place one of your plastic bb's into the open end of the tube.

5. Pull back on your balloon, and quickly let it go. You want to create a snap effect. This will force the BB out of your airsoft gun.