Thursday, December 4, 2014

Produce A Cartoon

From complex virtual worlds to life-like characters, computer animation offers breathtaking imagery that can enhance a film or television production. But perhaps you have more modest plans in mind. Whichever, before you delve into learning computer animation software, this guide can help you with an understanding of how the most basic animation is accomplished. You will learn manipulate a cube in three dimensional space using Ulead's COOL 3D Production Studio, a simple 3d animation program.


1. When you launch COOL 3D, the application desktop displays an empty project window. This window represents the physical three dimensional (3d) space where you will place your object. Until you rename and save your project, the window will show "Untitled-1" as the window title. The project window opens with a default black background. In the lower portion of the desktop is the Timeline window. You will use both windows to create your animation.

2. Mouse over the icons displayed in the left desktop margin until "Insert Geometric Object" appears. From the pull down arrow for that icon, select "Cube." A square now appears in the middle of your project window. Mouse over the adjustment tools located in the upper left corner of the desktop. Select "Rotate" and drag the cube by holding down your left mouse button. Drag the cube until one of the corners points towards you.

3. The default project duration is 10 frames. We need to change the duration to 30 frames. A default frame rate of 30 frames per second will create a 1 second animation. Change the duration by selecting "Project" from the menu then "Modify Frames" and "Change Duration." Enter 30 in the duration field.

4. Now select the cursor in the Timeline window. The timeline cursor is a is a thin red line with a small rectangular box placed on top of the frame numbers. Move the cursor by dragging it towards the right with while holding down your left mouse button. Place the cursor over frame number 15.

5. Select the "Move" tool (shaped like a hand) and reposition the cube so that the tip of the bottom corner touches the bottom of the project window.

6. Select the cursor in the Timeline window and reposition over frame 30 on the timeline.

7. Select the "Move" tool and reposition the cube by returning it to the approximate beginning point in the center of the project window. Now select the "Rotate" tool and rotate the cube one revolution, or 360 degrees.

8. Locate and press the "Play" button from the top menu. The playback will be extremely slow the first time through, as the program renders a preview of the animation. You can use this first time playback to carefully observe your work. Pressing the "Play" button again should yield playback in real time. The results should show the cube rotating once while appearing to "bounce" off the bottom of the Project window.