Monday, December 15, 2014

Be A Tv Actress And Singer

Being an actress and singer on television is a high ambition. It's a definite challenge for anybody. Show business is one of the toughest businesses in the world. You can't simply graduate and expect to be given a career or starting acting gig. Even if you hold a Master's Degree from Harvard University in acting, it's one field in which you hold virtually no upper hand from peers that haven't yet graduated high school. It's an unpredictable business, and one must be truly in love with acting before taking on this endeavor.


1. Hone your comedic skills. In order to be in television, being funny is almost a must. Even dramas have comedic timing for the most part. Get involved with an improvisation troupe like Second City or the Groundlings. Many agents and sitcom casting directors attend shows to seek talent.

2. Get a headshot that captures who really are. The photo should be a 3/4 shot. There should be no surprises when you walk in the room for an audition. The casting director wants the person in the photograph, and you should show up looking like your headshot.

3. Move to one of the major markets for television. New York City and Los Angeles are the major hubs for the television industry in the United States. While it's wise to gain experience in your hometown before trying out the bigger markets, eventually coming to where the work is matters. Orlando hosts a few television studios, as do major cities across the country. If you are unable to move across the country, move the nearest big city.

4. Take voice and acting classes. You're never too advanced to stop learning. If you want a dual career, you have to stay on top of the game for both arts. Listen to modern music. While some shows do include both singing and acting--think "Hannah Montana" and variety shows like "MMC"--that is a rarity. By being ready to both your crafts at any moment, you may be able to marry the two in one great television part.

5. Make a reel. To obtain consideration for a television audition, a reel is crucial. A reel, simply put, is a collection of scenes that shows your acting experience. If your angle is to get parts that are both acting and singing roles, you want to put clips that equally highlight your vocal skills and acting chops.

6. Participate in a showcase. Choose a scene from musicals that will enable you to showcase both your acting and singing ability. "Spring Awakening" is a recent hit and popular choice. Old standards like "Meet Me in St. Louis" can allow you to show the best of your acting and singing together.

7. Network as much as possible. Much of the television industry is based on making connections with other professionals. Go to parties where you are likely to meet people. It's important to always conduct yourself professionally, even at parties. You never know who is looking.