Friday, June 19, 2015

Fresh paint On Prestretched Canvas

Pre-stretched canvases make painting easy for all age groups.

Acrylic or oil painting allows for the imaginative expression of ideas, and while not everyone can possess a fine painting talent, many people can get enjoyment from painting and producing pleasing results. Painting is an accessible hobby, especially with the wide availability of pre-stretched canvases, painting equipment such as brushes and easels, and the paints themselves and associated thinners and brush cleaners. Experimenting at home with a pre-stretched canvas is an ideal introduction to painting.


1. Position your easel in a place with adequate light, and secure the pre-stretched canvas onto the easel.

2. Paint over the surface of your canvas with gesso to prime it. Gesso is normally thinned before use, so check on the bottle for the manufacturer's recommendations. Many pre-stretched canvases are already primed for use with both oil and acrylic paints, but check that your canvas is primed before you begin painting. Allow the gesso to dry completely before painting over it.

3. Experiment with paint colors to learn mix them. Start with a limited palette; for instance, one tube each of black, white, red, yellow, green and blue, as it is easier to start when you have fewer choices. Mix the paint on the palette with a brush, then paint it onto the canvas.