Friday, June 26, 2015

Choose Piano Music

The piano music you select really depends on your level of experience and skill as a piano player. Consult the "Learn Fingering on the Piano" and "Practice Piano," under Related eHows, to get you started. Here are some tips on what to look for if you are a beginner.


1. Buy a book of easy, beginning piano studies. Go to the music store and let a knowledgeable sales representative advise you.

2. Ask your piano teacher about choose suitable music for beginners. If you don't have a teacher yet, by all means, find one if you are serious about playing the piano!

3. Consider the classical composers in your selection. Mozart, Bach, Schumann and Bartok, in particular, have written pieces that are suitable for beginners. Ask for easy transcriptions of the piano works of the great composers.

4. Familiarize yourself with piano music of different periods and genres. It will help you appreciate the genius of those composers and broaden your musical scope.