Monday, June 8, 2015

Proceed To Madrid

Moving can be a stressful experience, even if the move is local. Moving to Madrid, Spain, is an international move. An international move is usually more stressful than a local or even a cross-country move. This simply adds the need for more planning.


1. Visit Madrid to find suitable living arrangements, lease or purchase a home and arrange to have the utilities turned on prior to your move to Spain. Using a relocation agent in Madrid may be helpful if you aren't familiar with the neighborhoods or transportation systems. Make sure you let her know the date you are planning to start moving to Madrid.

2. Decide ship your things. You can ship by air or by sea. Shipping by air, you are charged by the weight of your items. Shipping by sea, you are charged by the volume of your things.

3. Pack your things securely. Number each box consecutively. Keep in mind that you won't be the person moving the boxes. Label the boxes that contain fragile items in both English and Spanish.

4. Make a list of the contents of each box. Write the number on the list that corresponds with the number of the box. When your things pass through customs going in to Spain, the customs agent will need this list. Attach one copy of the list on to the box and keep a copy for your records.

5. Ship your items to Madrid. You can ship to port or to your door. Shipping to port means that you have to transport your items to your new home. Shipping to your door means that the items will be delivered to your new home. Make sure to insure the contents. Keep in mind that customs officials in Spain may tax you according to the insurance on your contents.

6. Unpack your items as soon as possible. Make sure that all contents are in the same condition as when you packed them. If anything is broken or missing, file an insurance claim immediately.

7. Take a copy of your property title or lease and at least two utility bills to the Oficina de Empadronamiento so that you can get your Certificado de Empadronamiento and Alta de Residencia. These are the documents that will allow you to get limited free health care and free admittance into some museums and other attractions.