Thursday, June 25, 2015

Master The Moonwalk Fast

Master the Moonwalk Fast

The Moonwalk is an iconic dance step that will be forever linked with the unparalleled talent and innovation of pop star and dancer Michael Jackson. When executed correctly, the Moonwalk can give the illusion of floating or gliding backwards across the floor. The silhouette of the body and use of space are what make this move distinctive and immediately recognizable. However, you don't need Michael Jackson's extensive training and experience to master this move; with a few pointers, you can learn to Moonwalk within minutes.


1. Stand in front of the mirror with your feet parallel to one another, and your legs close together. Make sure you have enough room to move behind you and that you can see yourself in the mirror.

2. Lift the right heel, keeping the ball of the right foot and the toes on the ground. Bend the right knee as you lift the heel, keeping the left foot on the ground and the left knee straight.

3. Focus on making the right knee "pop" as you push the left heel into the ground. Drag the left heel across the ground, as if you are trying to pull off your sock by dragging it on the floor. Keep the left heel in contact with the ground for as long as possible. The movement backwards will only allow you to keep the heel down for a short time, but try to sustain this movement. If you lift the heel too early, you will lose the illusion of gliding.

4. Put the right heel down at the same moment that the left heel comes up. Bend the left knee sharply as the left heel comes up, and drag the right heel backwards as you did with the left heel. Make the movements continuous, rather than stopping and starting the steps. Think of the foot movements as similar to pedaling a bike, where the movements happen simultaneously rather than one after another. This simultaneous movement is what will allow the body to travel backwards.