Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Make Splatter Brushes

Splatter brushes are useful tools for creating textural paintings.

Splatter brushes are versatile painting tools to add to your art supplies. Whenever your paintings require additional texture or lively brush strokes, splatter brushes are a dependable tool for getting the job done. Splatter brushes can be made in a few simple steps and will last for years if cared for properly. Make splatter brushes in varying sizes and unlock one of the tricks of the trade for creating textural paintings.


1. Cut your string into 10 to 15 strips. Vary the length of the strips between 1.5 and 3 inches.

2. Gather the strings together in one hand so that the ends match up evenly on one side of the bundle.

3. Grasp the strings firmly together while inserting 1 inch of your dowel or chopstick into the center of the bundle on the side where the strings are matched up evenly. Hold the strings and dowel firmly together.

4. Wrap a rubber band around the strings and the dowel until they are held together tightly by the rubber band alone.

5. Twirling, flicking and dragging the brush are all viable options for utilizing splatter brushes.

Test your splatter brush by holding the dowel handle, dipping the end of the strings with varying lengths into your paint and trying different brush strokes. Discover the wide variety of new textures and splatters this painting gadget can create.