Thursday, June 4, 2015

Draw A Vehicle In Ms Fresh paint For Idiot's

Even you can create digital masterpieces on your computer using MS Paint.

MS Paint can be used to do more than draw stick-figure masterpieces. Artists across the globe have created elaborate artwork using this free little program. This tutorial will teach anyone break down the complex process into four basic steps so even a "dummy" can transform that blank white screen into a classy car. All it takes is a computer, a mouse, MS Paint ... and a little bit of practice.


1. Since this is a tutorial for "dummies," the first thing to do is find a reference photo. New artists should keep it simple. A side view of a car is easiest because it requires minimal depth, which narrows down the focus if the exercise to mastering shapes and details. Once an image is chosen and printed out, and set it upright next to the computer for easy reference while drawing.

2. Click the pencil tool and pick a subtle color from the color palette. Gray is a good choice. With the pencil tool, draw a basic outline of the car and wheels using the mouse or tablet. After the outline is drawn, begin filling in the details. Don't worry about the lines being perfect; cleaner lines will come later. For now, focus on getting the basic idea onto the digital canvas.

3. Next, add distinct lines to the drawing. In the art world, this is called "inking." Use the curved line tool (it looks like a squiggle) and select a bolder color. Black works well. The lines with this tool are cleaner and crisper than those created with the pencil tool, but still create curves. To arch a line, click the point where the arch will begin, then stretch it to the point where it will end. The line will format itself based on those points. Pull or expand the arch with the mouse after it is made to make any needed adjustments. Continue doing this until the entire car is outlined, like a coloring book. Try using the circle tool for precision when drawing the car's wheels.

4. Select the fill bucket from the tool menu and choose the same color used for the pencil lines from the color palette. Use the eye dropper tool if the original pencil color is not on hand. Fill in all the areas with stray pencil marks so that they are replaced with solid blocks of color. Next, fill the paint bucket with the color the canvas will be (usually white), and cover the area that was just filled to remove any stray marks. Study the drawing for any gaps or spaces that may have been missed in between the lines, and fill them in with black using the pencil tool. Now there should be a clean, black and white drawing of a car.