Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sort Photos In Filemaker Professional

With FileMaker Pro version 8 or later, you can add pictures or other images to your database. Along with each picture, you can add descriptions, tags or other details to identify the image. Using the sort functionality, FileMaker can help you organize your photos based on the text that you have added to each record.


1. Open the FileMaker database that you want to sort photos in.

2. Go to the "File" menu and choose "Define Database."

3. Type a name for the photo field and choose "Container" as the field type. Then click on the "Create" button to add the photo field to the database.

4. Add any desired text fields to the database that will later be used to sort the photos.

5. Go to the main layout of the database and click on the photo field. Then go to the "Insert" menu and choose "Picture." Navigate to the photo you want to add to the database and click "Open." The selected photo will now be added as a record in the database.

6. Type in data for the other text fields associated with the picture, in order to add details about the photo for sorting purposes.

7. Go to the "Records" menu and select "Sort Records." Then choose the field or fields you want to sort by and click on the "Sort" button. The images in the database will automatically be sorted based on the criteria you provided.