Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Play Methods On Buddies Online

Playing tricks on your friends has never been easier than it is today, thanks to the power of the internet.The best way to do this is to use instant-messaging software; so you'll want to be sure that your friend has an account he signs into on a somewhat regular basis. If you know this is the case, then you're all set to start playing some interesting tricks on your friend! All it takes is a little imagination.


1. Determine how well your friend understands computers. If she's an old pro at computers, you'll be unlikely to fool her with instant-message tricks, and should move on to Step 4 right away. If she's somewhat new to instant messaging, then you've got an easy target for a few simple tricks.

2. Log into your instant-messaging system and start a conversation with your friend. (This will work best if you and your friend are using the same messaging system, with the same fonts and formats.)

3. Convince your friend that he said things he didn't. By copying and pasting your friend's message into your send message screen but then editing it before you send it, you can quote your friend as saying things he never said. Particularly gullible friends can also be convinced that the computer is checking and correcting their spelling.

4. Send your friend misdirecting links. For example, you can tell your friend you just saw an amazing video of by of her favorite musicians, and send her a YouTube link. But instead, you send a link to Rick Astley clip. This is known as a "Rick Roll."

5. Pretend that your computer has an automated internet digital camera. Tell your friend to smile at his monitor, so you can take a picture of him over your chat software. Ham it up by telling him to say "Cheese." Wait a few seconds, then tell him that you got the photo and will send it to him. Then send him a photo of a monkey instead.

6. Another fun thing to do if your friend has wireless internet access is to hang around outside her house with your laptop and then start an instant-message conversation. Chat casually for a bit, and then ask if you can come over. If she says yes, immediately ring the doorbell or knock on the door.