Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Steps Of Voice Training

Relax when singing to create the best tone.

Taking lessons with a voice trainer can enable you to develop your singing voice and create an improved sound. You might want to audition for a show or simply bring pleasure to family and friends and reach those high notes you have always wanted to hit. You can reach these goals with targeted voice training. It's best to decide what type of music--classical or pop, for example--you wish to sing and then take voice training with a teacher who specialises in that particular genre. (Reference 1)


1. Warm up your voice by beginning with some simple vocal exercises such as singing up and down the scales. If you neglect your warmups before you attempt to hit certain high notes, you not only won't hit the notes but may damage your vocal chords. (Reference 4)

2. Breathe correctly. Breathing is the most important aspect of singing. Good breathing enables you to properly control your voice by releasing different amounts of air according to the type of sound you wish to make. Your breaths must be tightly focused, and how you exhale determines the quality of the sound produced, the pitch and the tone. (Reference 2)

3. (Ref 1) Identify the difference between your head voice and your chest voice. When you mix them you can produce a richer sound, which enables you to broaden the range of notes you can sing. Mixing the two voice types also lessens the risk of damaging your vocal chords by preventing the likelihood of nodules growing on them.

4. Pay attention to any bad singing habits you may have developed. A singing coach will be able to highlight any unhelpful techniques you might have unconsciously adopted over the years, some of which could be harmful to your vocal chords. (Reference 1)

5. Develop your vibrato. This is usually done once you have mastered the basics of singing. Vibrato is the sound you make when you sing rapid pitch variations when sustaining a single note. To sing a vibrato, find the spot between your lowest ribs on your torso and hold one note, singing "aah." If you gently press that area of your torso a few times you'll create a vibrato sound. Vibrato sounds best when done at the end of a phrase. (Reference 3)