Friday, January 23, 2015

Detune An Instrument

There are several reasons why a guitar player would need to detune his guitar. Whether it is to change a worn or broken guitar string or to achieve a certain tone, a musician should have at least a basic knowledge of do this.


1. Locate the tuning peg on your guitar and turn it slowly until you see the string loosen and hear it detune. When you loosen the guitar string, it creates a low, off-pitch tone. Continue to turn each tuning peg until you detune each string.

2. Take your guitar to a professional guitar technician and have him detune it for you. Many guitarists who play metal music play with a detuned guitar for the tone it produces, and you might not achieve the best results if you try to detune the guitar yourself. If you tend to alternate between styles of music, you should have two different guitars for each style you play.

3. Use a mechanical tuner to detune your guitar. It's not just guitar players in a heavy-metal band that appreciate the tone of an out-of-tune guitar. Many classical guitarists can detune their guitars by dropping the low E to a D in order to explore new musical sounds.