Monday, November 10, 2014

Develop A Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscopes are simple, but eternally entertaining toys. For as many hours of entertainment as they may provide, they actually are made out of little more than some reflective mirrors, and a few pretty baubles. Their simplicity is part of their enduring charm, however--and as a result, they are actually quite easy to make from scratch.


1. Obtain or cut three pieces of mirror of identical length and width.

2. Place your mirrors together to form a long, equilateral triangle, with the mirror surface facing inwards. Secure the mirror tunnel with tape, glue, or both. Afterwards, cover one end of the tunnel with an opaque material. Then, cut a small viewing hole into the center of this cover.

3. Obtain or cut two triangles of transparent material (for example, glass or plastic) to match the dimensions of your mirror tube. Cut small 'walls' for the same dimensions, and attach them to one triangle, to form a shallow triangular cup. This will serve as your "object chamber."

4. Fill the cup (your object chamber) with a variety of colored (but always transparent) beads, glass, marbles, and so on. Leave some room for the objects to tumble about and shift position.

5. Affix the object chamber to the end of your tunnel. Look through the viewing end, and twirl.