Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Airbrush A Dark Skeleton

Airbrush artists work with atomizers that use compressed air to spray the paint.

Airbrush painting is an innovative art form, and airbrush artists are evolving it everyday. The artist works with an atomizer that uses compressed air to emit a fine spray of paint to create a painting or design. Airbrush designs can be found in the world of makeup design, auto detail, fashion, and body art. Some popular key airbrush designs include the dragon, the deck of cards, old English text, and dark skeletons.


Prepping to Work

1. Select a clean and well ventilated area to work. Place the canvas on a surface where it will not move easily. Wear a face mask while using the airbrush machine as the paint vapors may be harmful.

2. Fill the paint reservoir on the airbrush machine with the white paint. Test the pressure of the machine by spraying a piece of paper towel before spraying the canvas. Twist the tip of the airbrush machine to adjust the pressure. Apply two solid, even coats of white paint to the canvas when the desired pressure is achieved. Allow time for it to dry.

3. Rinse out the paint reservoir thoroughly with water. Spray a piece of paper towel. If the paper towel shows remains of the white paint, rinse the reservoir again. Fill the paint reservoir with the medium gray paint.

4. Lay the skeleton stencil firmly against the white-painted canvas. Twist the tip of the airbrush machine to increase the pressure of the paint. Apply the paint to the stencil to get a solid visual of the skeleton. Apply two coats, if need be. Rinse the paint reservoir while allowing the canvas time to dry.

5. Fill the paint reservoir with dark gray paint. Use it to apply detail to the skeleton on the canvas. Do not completely overlap the medium gray paint. The medium gray paint and dark paint should complement each other, but the skeleton should be very dark to stand out against the white background. Rinse the paint reservoir while allowing the canvas to dry.

6. Fill the reservoir with the lightest gray paint. Use very little of this paint to highlight and detail the skeleton. This should be the least visible shade. Rinse the reservoir once more while allowing the painting of your dark skeleton. Once it is dry, hang it in a place where your work will be appreciated.